News & Awards
Frigoglass announces results of Scheme Meeting and expected fixed asset impairment

Athens, July 28, 2017 – Results of Scheme Meeting
Frigoglass S.A.I.C. (“Frigoglass” or the “Company” and, together with its consolidated subsidiaries, the “Group”), further to its announcements dated June 19, 2017 and July 6, 2017, announces today that the scheme meeting (the “Scheme Meeting”) convened by its subsidiary, Frigoglass Finance B.V. (the “Issuer”), was duly held on July 27, 2017. Scheme creditors representing 87.53% in value of the total outstanding €250,000,000 8.25% senior notes (the “Existing Notes”) participated in the Scheme Meeting (in person or by proxy), and the voting results were as follows:

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